ESRD Business Tools

ESRD Business Tools
from the Renal Services Exchange

Renal Services Exchange (RSE), a subsidiary of Renal Healthcare Association, provides an array of ESRD business tools to benefit dialysis facilities nationwide. It is the mission of the RSE to provide access to competitively priced drugs, products, supplies, health information technology, and business services that help support the chronic kidney disease community to thrive. 

The RSE National Cost and Quality Benchmarking Reports were developed in conjunction with data partner, Prima Health Analytics. These reports are a comprehensive set of industry financial and clinical/quality benchmarks, including virtually 100% of the dialysis facilities in the U.S. These reports are updated periodically throughout the year to offer the most current data available. Currently available to RHA members only at no cost. 

The ESRD PPS Calculator has been streamlined and updated with new national benchmarking data derived from the RSE Benchmarking Tool, with ongoing enhancements planned for future versions. Currently available to RHA members only at no cost.

To learn more about Renal Services Exchange, visit
