> Call for Session Proposals

Speak at the 2025 Renal Healthcare Association Annual Conference! 

Disney's Contemporary Resort |  September 17-19, 2025

Submission Deadline: February 21, 2025


For this year's Annual Conference that will take place from September 17-19 in Orlando, FL, we are seeking speakers who can deliver topic sessions that include:

  • Case studies of "lessons learned" in quality improvement
  • First-hand experience implementing new programs, procedures, or technologies
  • Insightful techniques to maximize quality outcomes and reduce costs
  • Practical ways to communicate and engage with patients and staff
  • Practical ways to enhance the functioning of the interdisciplinary team
  • Effective programs for promoting patient safety and reducing risks

Suggested Educational Session Topics

Renal Healthcare Association strives to offer a program with a wide array of topics of interest to dialysis professionals that will help advance patient care and safety. Conference attendees have expressed interest in learning about best practices, trends, innovations, opportunities, and threats. Topics of interest to attendees include, but are not limited to:

  • Billing and Reimbursement (QIP, ETCs, Reimbursement and Billing Tools, Documentation)
  • Legislative Advocacy (Health Policy Development, Communication Skills (Hill), Government Relations, and Lobbying Skills)
  • Facility Operations (Infection Control, Home Dialysis, Data Management, Culture of Patient Safety, Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing Facility... (Hospital-based)
  • Regulatory Compliance (Survey Preparation and Response, QAPI, EQRS, Benchmarking, Health Equity)
  • Technical Oversight (Documentation, Medical Director Responsibilities, Water Treatment, AAMI, Standards and Recommended Guidelines)
  • Clinical Management (Policies, Procedures, Protocols, Staff Continuing Education, Care Coordination, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Standards of Preparation)
  • Hot Topics (Workplace Violence, Legal Issues, Cyber-Security, Mental Health/Burnout, Stress Management, and DEI)
Who Can Submit a Session Proposal?
You are invited to submit a proposal if you are a (an):
  • Administrator
  • Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Physician and/or Medical Director
  • Dietician
  • Technician
  • A government employee in ESRD
  • Dialysis Consultant
  • CMO / CEO / CFO of a dialysis facility

Submission Criteria
All submissions are reviewed by members of the Renal Healthcare Association's Program Committee. Submissions will be reviewed un-blinded and only once. Proposals will be accepted based on criteria met and appropriateness for the program. The Program Committee reserves the right to accept as many or as few submissions as it wants. Reviewers will use the following criteria to select the most appropriate submissions for inclusion in the Annual Conference. Submission should be clearly written and meet the following criteria: 

Relevance to the Dialysis and ESRD Community
Topics must be relevant to the activities, initiatives, or direction of the dialysis professional. The Renal Healthcare Association offers a list of broad topic areas you may consider for your presentation; however, your topic need not be limited to these areas.

Timeliness and Originality
Proposals will be evaluated on the timeliness and innovation of the program or service, and significance to dialysis professionals or stakeholders in the ESRD community.

Educational Presentation
All presentation proposals must be educational in nature. Proposals that are written in a manner that promotes a product, company or service, will not be considered.

Educational Formats
It is strongly encouraged for speakers to provide opportunities for attendees to ask questions, discuss problems and solutions, and interact informally with the faculty and with each other.

Abstracts and descriptions must be written in a manner that clearly, concisely, and logically conveys the subject matters background, purpose and learning objectives.

Session Goals
When considering the content for your session, you may incorporate the following:
  • A case study to demonstrate a challenge and solution.
  • Q&A opportunities - plan questions within the session to ensure interaction among participants.
  • Presentation slides that capture key points and drives presentation (e.g. less text, more visuals is an effective learning tool).
  • Interactive activities - find opportunities to engage in group work to apply learning to real-life situations.
  • Audience polling.

About the Conference 

  • Renal Healthcare Association’s Annual Conference is the preeminent educational event where small, medium, and independent dialysis providers convene to share perspectives on renal healthcare's most recent developments. 
  • The conference attracts over 500 administrative and clinical professionals, including administrators, nurses, physicians/medical directors, dietitians, social workers, and technicians from dialysis modalities such as facility-based, home, pediatric and hospital-based. Dialysis industry representatives are also present at the conference. 
  • Proposals and presenters (up to 2) accepted to speak will be given complimentary registration to attend the Annual Conference in 2025. Renal Healthcare Association will cover registration fees for speakers of accepted presentations. As the program is finalized, travel funding for speakers will be evaluated.


The deadline for submission is Friday, February 21, 2025, at which point, the Education Program Committee will undertake a review of proposals and assess the topics based on several criteria. Make this truly YOUR meeting and share your professional aptitude and expertise with your peers!

Submission Deadline: February 21, 2025

For questions about the session proposal opportunity, please email
 for more information.